November 25, 2005

Team Canada's co-captain Dave Willsie will be appearing in Ottawa on Friday, December 2nd, from 09:00 - 14:00 at the 4th annual Ottawa United Nations' Internatonal Day of Disabled Persons Event at the Westin Hotel.

The lunch time speakers will be broadcasted over a live web cast starting at 12:30 EST, which will be archived on the Canadian Association of Independent Living Centre's web site.

The Hon. Ken Dryden is an invited speaker, along with representative and their messages from various political parties.

Copies of the Murderball DVD will also be available for sale from the organizers.

For more information on this upcoming event, and to register for free, contact


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My girlfriend and I just watched Murderball - excellent, very entertaining piece. We live in Victoria BC - I had no idea this sport existed, we'll definately make an effort to check it out next time there is a tourney near by. Keep up the great work,


Mon Dec 19, 01:24:00 am GMT-5  
Blogger ~Don~ said...

Hi Jacob,

Thanks for the feedback. One of our national squad members lives on The Island in Parksville.

There will be two major tournaments in BC this year, both in Burnaby, with the Vancouver Invitational on Mar. 24-26 and the Canada Cup (a large international event) to be held on June 19-26. Details on these events will be posted to this blog and to the Calendar page of the CWSA web site as they become available.

Most of the Canadians who were involved in the film will be at both tournaments, while the top international teams in the sport will be there for the Canada Cup.


Mon Dec 19, 10:14:00 am GMT-5  

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