September 19, 2005

Greece revisited

Here is the latest report from Cathy Cadieux:

Hello Canada,

We had a good practice today, in spite of the heat. If it stays as warm during the games period over the next four five days, we're going to be using a lot of ice.

We gave up on the "cat food" entrees in the lunches. Our stalwart staff trekked to the local grocery to pick up some cold cuts, cheese and bread for lunch tomorrow. Of course, we also have the obligatory bananas, but sadly, no bars.

The kicker today was that, upon our arrival back at the hotel, the staff had to carry the players off of the bus. The driver and volunteer would not drive around to the ramp (or rampa in Portuguese) and drop us off there. Apparently the bus that was there had no driver and could not be moved, so we were told "off, off, no rampa, off." So there you go. Of course, I marched right into the secretariat office and filed a complaint. My only question is how long it took that written complaint to make it into File 13.

FYI, our game was changed from 11:00am to 9:30am, with our second game probably the third of the day. South Africa still has no wheels, which are expected to arrive at 9:00am tomorrow, hence the need to make the change. We've been lending them wheels all week for their practices. Their Coach, Mr. Peter Martin from New Zealand, today provided a couple of cases of the local brew for the boys as thanks. Of course, it is chilling in Whitey's refrigerator until Saturday night.

The Quadfather arrives tomorrow. That will make everyone happy. I'll update with scores and the latest tomorrow evening.

Goodnight from Rio!

- Cathy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, from the go-to-guy. Hope all is going well. Hopefully you get the transportation issue settled. Something about you and planes,and buses, Cathy.Air New Zealand run the bus company?

Tue Sept 20, 05:32:00 pm GMT-4  

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