June 13, 2003

If you are a regular reader of the Rugby Road Journal, and would like to be informed by e-mail when updates have been made, please send me an e-mail, and I'll send out a BCC (blind carbon copy) message to all of you when updates have been made to the Journal.

I can be reached at the office at dlane@cwsa.ca or at home at don.lane@rogers.com. If you are one of the regular readers from outside the country (and I know you're out there in AUS, NZL, AUT, GBR, USA, etc...) you'll just have to check back periodically on your own! ;-)

In the meantime, I'll set that up for all athletes in the National Team Program who are not at this event, along with people who have recently talked to me about the Road Journal (Arin S., Dan J., and Martin L.).

Have a nice day, eh! :D


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